Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Unsent Letter

Hey, 'was' mine ☺ 

It's a little piece of me that left..... 

I'm sorry, for not being around when you need me 
I'm sorry, for being late reply your message 
I'm sorry, for not caring and understanding you enough 
I'm sorry, for being selfish 
I'm sorry, for mad at you and yelling sometimes
I'm sorry, for the memories you won't to remember 
I'm sorry, for blaming at you in last day I met you and throwed that flowers away 

Thank you for having me in your memories that you won't to remember. And of course it hurts to know I "was" yours. And it slowly tearing me down knew it you "were" mine. And all of this I realize, I miss you..too much.

I miss the time we laughed at each other 
I miss when you called me "sweetheart" with that sound 
I miss when you texted me at an hour after meet up said you miss me already 
I miss that hand which hugged me so tightly and calmed me down 
I miss that lips you used to kiss me 
I miss that fingers that fitted with mine 
I miss the way you smile and looking at me 
I miss when we stayed up late night just watching comedy series 
I miss when you looked me in the eye and said "you're the best, I love you"
How could be "the best" being "nothing"
I have to face it, you and me no more 

I miss you around 

Sorry for know it too late,
I love you, stupid boy 
