Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

create it not find it!

i dont even know where to find my self. my really am. i wonder. everybody said teenager have to find out them self. i'm teenager, i've to find out my self. realy? so who the hell is on mine? i dont know. sometimes i like to be person who love to share but sometimes i choose quite more best than share. sometimes i wanna be wiser but sometimes i wanna be girl who love to have fun. sometimes i cold like ice but sometimes i warm like sun. sometimes I'm kindness but cruel, I'm tidy but messy, I'm hopefully when there's hopeless, I'm clever but fool, I'm hating but hearting. so whats happen here? i dont know who really me, find out? yeah sure i did. im not found it yet. so the best way i should do is.............stop doing those fool things to find out.
i have to create my own self ☺
cause i believe if keep finding nowhere i should go, but if i write my self it would be some nice one and i could take my lesson for come wiser and good person.

nice day, love ya

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