Rabu, 11 April 2012


i met a guy. new guy. this guy really unforgettable. he made me smile in a simple ways that i never expected to be happy with. this guy made me forget all the things that i've been trough alone. i was chasing "the old guy" but he was unemotional. i've told you about him on the last posts. really i love and want "the old guy" but there's no more i can do. well, this new guy really cute, honestly kind, romantic, mean, but he made my day. he also love to left me. well, i understood. he has something to do for himself. but actually i still can't change my heart. i still fell in to "the old guy". he is really my mood-breaker. when "the new guy" went, "the old guy" just appeared in my mind and life again! and that's always make me feel gloomy. you know, i really don't know what to do. fall for someone easy for anyone, but for me it's really uncomfortable feelings and also hurt. God, please, i'm begging you. give me one of them, to make me smile and take care of me. i need 'him'. God please lemme feel what beautiful memories in the past or maybe more than the past. i really want, need, so desperately wish and hope. please... 

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